Dashboard Library

The Dashboard Library is a repository of all the different graphs or panels that can be added to the Dashboards home page. This page contains tabs displaying both generic and business area specific pre-shipped graphs or panels.

This page enables you to perform the following actions:

  • Adding graphs or panels to a tab on your Dashboard home page:
    1. On the Dashboard home page, select the tab to which panels are to be added.
    2. Click Manage Panels and then click Add Panel. The Dashboard Library displays a preview of the graphs or panels that can be added
    3. Select the graph or panel to add and click Add To Dashboard. The graph or panel is added to the selected tab on your Dashboards home page and a confirmation message is displayed on the Dashboard Library page.
      Note: You can add a maximum of ten panels per tab on the Dashboards home page. You can add same panels multiple times to a same tab or same panels multiple times to different tabs. You can also configure these panels separately.
  • Deleting graph or panel:
    1. Select the graph or panel you wish to delete and click the Delete From Library icon. A confirmation message is displayed.
    2. Click OK to continue.
      Note: You can only delete the custom panels. The pre-shipped panels cannot be deleted .
  • Add a custom graph or panel.