To Do
The To Do tab lists all tasks pending for the signed-in user. Pending tasks are categorized into violations, exceptions, What-ifs, and requests. The To Do tab and the To Do count on the navigation bar are updated when you, the signed in user:
- Mitigate a violation, assign a violation to another user, invite another user for a discussion or if another user invites you for a discussion.
- Close an exception, assign an exception to another user, invite another user for a discussion or if another user invites you for a discussion.
- Create a What-if, review a What-if, or delete a What-if.
- Approve a request, deny a request, mitigate violations, or discard a request.
On this tab you can mitigate a violation, assign a violation to another user, invite another user for a discussion or if another user invites you for a discussion. The violations , displayed on this tab, are generated when the Authorizations Insight rules you own are violated and can be of the type:
- Open: You must take action on these violations.
- Assigned to You - Other: These violations are assigned to you by other users.
- Assigned to You - Urgent: These violations are assigned to you by other users and you need to act on these violations immediately. Violations having high priority are also assigned this status.
- Awaiting Response: When other users invite you for a discussion, then those violations are marked as awaiting response. You need to reply for these violations.
- Awaiting Response - Urgent: These are the violations for which other users have invited the signed-in user for a discussion and the signed-in user needs to reply immediately. Violations having high priority are also assigned this status.
In the Violation Status column, click any of the violation status links such as Open, or Assigned to You - Other, to drill down to the Violations page to view details of the rule books or rules violated, and the objects causing the violation.
To take action on a violation, you must be an Administrator or have the required roles assigned to you. In case the violation was assigned to you by another user, the Violations page will display the name of the reviewer who assigned you this violation. Drill down further from the Violations page to assign an open violation to another reviewer or to mitigate violations.
The To Do tab count , the To Do count on the navigation bar and the Violations tab are updated when you mitigate a violation, assign a violation to another user, invite another user for a discussion, if another user invites you for a discussion, or if you reply to a discussion. The count displayed on the To Do tab, the To Do count on the navigation bar and the Violations tab are updated when you mitigate a violation, assign a violation to another user, invite another user for a discussion, if another user invites you for a discussion, or if you reply to a discussion. -
On this tab you can close an exception, assign an exception to another user, invite another user for a discussion or if another user invites you for a discussion. This tab lists the exceptions generated by the Process Insight rules you own. Exceptions may be open, that is, they need to be acted on by you, or they may have been assigned to you by other users.
In the Exception Status column, click the exceptions link such as Open, Assigned to You - Other, or Assigned To You - Urgent to drill down to the Exceptions page to view details of the rule books or rules that have generated exceptions, and the objects causing the exception.
To take action on an exception, you must be an Administrator or have the required roles assigned to you. In case the exception was assigned to you by another user, the exceptions browser will display the name of the reviewer who assigned you this exception. Drill down further from the exceptions browser to assign an open exception to another reviewer or to close the exception.The count displayed on the To Do tab, the To Do count on the navigation bar and the Violations tab are updated when you mitigate a violation, assign a violation to another user, invite another user for a discussion, if another user invites you for a discussion, or if you reply to a discussion.Note: If the exceptions assigned to you have a high priority, they are indicated with the status Assigned To You - Urgent.
On this tab you can create a What-if, review a What-if, or delete a What-if .
What-if analysis enables you to determine the impact of changes such as modifying role or responsibility assignments or creating new users before actually requesting the change in your ERP system. To create a What-if, and take actions on a What-if, you must be an Administrator or must have the required roles assigned to you.
The What-ifs tab on the Inbox page displays a list of What-if analyses created by you, the signed in user, the What-ifs that are to be reviewed, and the What-ifs that are to be turned into requests. The page also displays details such as the analysis name and type, the creator of the What-if, the objects impacted, and violations if any. The date and time displayed in the Created By column is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page.
This tab displays these What-if statuses:
- What-if analyses with violations.
- What-ifs without violations.
- Failed What-ifs
Use the What-ifs page to:
Create a new what-if analysis
The What-ifs tab on the Inbox page enables you to create What-if analysis tasks for the following Insights
- Authorizations Insight for Infor
- Authorizations Insight for Lawson
- Authorizations Insight for SAP
- Authorizations Insight for Oracle
- Authorizations Insight for PeopleSoft
To create a What-if analysis:
- Click the New icon. A drop-down list displays a list of What-ifs that can be created for the Insights installed on your machine.
- Select the What-if to be created. The page for the selected What-if is displayed. To create a What-if analysis, refer to the section Actions from This Page on the What-ifs home page.
- View the violation
details of an existing what-if
To view details of a What-if analysis, including details of violations generated, click the What-if name link. Infor Risk & Compliance displays the page with details of the What-if, depending on the ERP
- Details of SAP What-if
Details of Lawson, Infor, Oracle,
and PeopleSoft What-Ifs
The Violation Details page enables you to review a What-if, delete a What-if, and generate a request.
- Search for a what-if request
- Requests
On this tab you can approve a request, deny a request, mitigate violations, or discard a request .
The Requests tab lists the requests to be approved by the signed-in user with details such as the object impacted, when the request was received by the signed-in user, and the current approval stage of the request.
To create a request and take action on a request, you must be an administrator or must have the required roles assigned to you. A requestor or an approver can take action on a request.
Use this tab to:
- View the request details
of an existing request.
To view details of a request, including details of violations generated, click a request name link. The user will be taken to either the Violation Details page or the Request Details page based on the request status.
- If you are a
signed-in user with violations and want to mitigate them, then the link will
take you to the Violation Details page. This page displays the violation
details depending on the ERP:
- Violations for SAP
Violations for Oracle and
This page also displays the requests that have generated violations and also the requests that have not generated violations
- If you are an
approver and need to mitigate violations or approve the request, the link will
take you to the Request details page for mitigation and/or approval. If a
request does not generate violations, Infor Risk & Compliance displays the
Request Details page, containing details depending on the ERP :
Requests can be approved or denied from this page .
- If you are a
signed-in user with violations and want to mitigate them, then the link will
take you to the Violation Details page. This page displays the violation
details depending on the ERP:
- Search for a request
- View the request details
of an existing request.