Email Notification Settings

Use this page to:

  • Define whether these request participants must be notified for the various request statuses:
    • A request is completed
    • A request fails
    • A request is denied
    • A request is cancelled
  • Override this Option: Select this check box to discontinue an existing notification.
  • Approval Email Notification: Select this check box to send a notification to the approver's email inbox if a request is pending approval.
  • Other emails: To send a notification to other IRC users, browse and select an IRC user from the drop-down list. Specify a valid email address of the selected IRC user. The email address is added for the notifications.
    Note: Post upgrade, notification subscriptions are delivered only to the IRC users and not to the direct email addresses. This is to avoid information leakage vulnerability. Upgrading the application generates a CSV file ([Install Path]\Backup) with information details for the direct email addresses. To continue with the notification subscriptions, the Administrator must first create users with the details provided in the CSV file and then add these users on these pages for the email notification subscription. Emails will be sent for the new requests created post addition.
    • Settings > Configuration > Access Management > Approval Options > Email Notification Settings
    • Design > Approval Process Template > Email Notification Settings.
  • Display comments in email notifications:Select this check box , if you want comments to be displayed in the email notifications.
Note: The setting for Assignee applies only to Role or Responsibility Assignment Management requests.