More Details

This panel provides the following details:

  • Comments : This tab displays comments added by approvers and also enables you to add your comments: If you have set your time zone in the Preferences page (General Panel-> User time zone field), the time displayed here is your local time when the comment was added. In case of a Revoke Emergency Access request, if the emergency access role is manually revoked by clicking the Quick Process button; the details of the manual revocation are displayed on this tab. These details are displayed as comments of the user who has executed the manual revocation.
  • E-mail Settings: This tab provides an overview of the email notification settings defined for this request.
  • Approval Stages: This panel provides details of the approval stages defined for this request as well as the current status of the request.
  • Track Request: This tab helps you keep a track of the request. The approvers who have taken action on the request are displayed on this panel. In case the assigned approver is out of office and the alternate approver has taken action on the request, the alternate approver name is displayed on this panel; even though the assigned approver name is displayed on  the Approval Stages tab.
  • Application Message: If request completion is set to automatic and a failure occurs while updating the ERP with the requested changes, the application error message is displayed on this tab. The date and time displayed in this error message is the local user time.