User Access and Configuration Data

This option enables you to upload data extracted offline from Insights other than the Process Insight for SAP and the Process Insight for Lawson.

User access and configuration data may be extracted offline in any of the following ways:

  • For SAP applications, extraction is through the Portable Data Extractor. For details, refer to the online help provided with Portable Data Extractor.
  • For Oracle or PeopleSoft applications, extraction is script-based. For details Configuration Setting Guides for Oracle and PeopleSoft respectively.
  • Upload user access and configuration data

    Provide the following details:

    • Files to Upload

      Perform this step after selecting connection details and connections . In the Files to Upload field, click Browse and select the files to be uploaded. You can upload only .zip files. These .zip files may contain any of the following files:

      • .beu files for SAP Insights
      • .xml files for codeless script-based extraction for  Oracle or PeopleSoft insights.

      Click the Remove icon to remove a selected file. Click Add More Files if you wish to add additional files.

    • Connection details

      In the Connection details panel, specify the Infor Risk & Compliance connection into which the data will be extracted after it is uploaded to the Infor Risk & Compliance application server. You have the following options:

      • Select an existing connection
        1. Click Select from Existing Connection.
        2. From the Select Connections drop-down list that is displayed, select the required connection.
      • Create a new connection

        To extract data into a new connection, provide the name of the connection in the New Connection field.

        In the Connection Security panel, define whether the connection should be secured.

      Note: You may secure your connection so that access to data from this connection is restricted to a few selected users.  

      After selecting the required connections click Upload. Data is uploaded to the Infor Risk & Compliance application server. A upload confirmation dialog box is displayed. The date and time displayed in this dialog box is according to the application server time zone.

      Note:  Before clicking Upload, ensure that the file selected and the paths are displayed in the Files to Upload field.
      Note: To upload files, the Infor Risk & Compliance service account must have the required permission to access the folder where the data will be uploaded. After Upload is clicked, the user will see one of the following messages
      • If the Infor Risk & Compliance Services account does not have permission to access the required folder, file verification cannot take place and upload will fail with the error message 'The file was successfully uploaded, but could not be verified'.
      • If the Infor Risk & Compliance Services account has the required permissions and if verification is successful, this message will be displayed 'All files are successfully uploaded to the server'.
      • If the Infor Risk & Compliance Services account has the required permissions but verification fails, the user will see the following message 'The file was successfully uploaded, but failed file verification tests'.
  • Post Upload Action

    To extract the uploaded data into the selected Infor Risk & Compliance connection soon after upload, select the check box Start extraction when upload completes. Click Upload.