Creating or modifying a User
The Create User page enables you to easily create new IRC users and assign them the required roles. This page also enables you to modify existing users.
Note: User ID of the Installation account (user account specified for
installation) can be modified by Administrators only.
These are the types of authentication:
- Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security: When the authentication scheme used is Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security, you will see the User Information, Ownership and Notification containing information as described below
- Active Directory Authentication: When you log into Infor Risk & Compliance with Active Directory as your authentication scheme, you will see the User Information, Ownership and Notification tabs containing information as described below:
- Active Directory Federation Services(ADFS): When you log into Infor Risk & Compliance with ADFS as your authentication scheme, you will see the User Information, Ownership and Notification tabs containing information as described below:
Note: Email notifications will be sent automatically to newly created users
and depend on the authentication scheme used:
- For Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security users you can opt to receive separate emails for the user ID and password by configuring the required settings through .
- For Active Directory users, only a single email notification will be sent.
- For ADFS users, only the User ID will be sent.