GDPR Object Deletion

The GDPR object deletion task deletes a user and the information related to the user. All the ownerships assigned to the user are transferred to the bootstrap user.

  1. Click the New icon on the Personal Data Protection page.
  2. Specify a task name to identify the task.
  3. Select GDPR Object Deletion from the Task type drop-down list
  4. Specify the Object ID whose personal information must be deleted.
  5. Select one of these options to schedule the object deletion task:
    • Run Now: Select this option to run the task immediately.
    • Run Later: Select this option to schedule a date and time for the task.
      1. Specify the start date to schedule the object deletion task. Enter a date manually or click the Calendar icon to select a date from the calendar.
      2. Specify the start time. Enter time manually or click the Clock icon to specify time. The object deletion task will start at the specified time.

        If you enter an invalid date or time, the system displays a warning message.

        The date and time selected on this page is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page

  6. Click Save. The task status is reflected on the Task page when the task executes and on the Personal Data Protection home page after the task completes.
    The priority of the object deletion task is set to Critical and the task cannot run with other tasks in concurrence.
  7. Click the Download icon in the Action column once the task status is updated to Completed. The downloaded .json file displays these personal information for every selected object.
    • Object Details: Generic details of the user
    • Ownership Details: Details of the ownership the user has on the objects across the IRC application
    • Business object: The name of the IRC business object
    • Object type: The type of the object. For example, Rule book.
      Note: For Process Insights, the object type is Exception.
    • ObjectOwnership: The ownership the user has with the object. For example, Rule Book Owner.
    • Activity: The activity performed by the user with respect to the object.
    • Comments: User comments for the objects, if applicable for Requests or Violations.
    • AdditionalInformation: Any information pertaining to the user and not covered earlier. For example, the stage information for Requests.
    Note: When upgrading the IRC application to the latest version, you must republish the Process Insight after the upgrade.