Password Setting

Use this section to set a password for a new user.

Select one of the following password settings option for a new user:

  1. To generate the password automatically, select the radio button next to Automatically generate initial password for new user.
  2. To provide the password manually, select the radio button next to Manually enter initial password for new user. You need to:
    1. Enter the new password as per the password criteria displayed. The criteria displayed here are the password policies configured by the administrator that enable you to determine the combination of characters that make up your password.
    2. If the password provided matches with the predefined criteria, you will see the Match icon next to the criteria that were satisfied.
    3. If the password does not match, the Error icon is displayed next to the criteria that were not satisfied. In this case, you need to provide a different password.
  3. Re-enter the new password to confirm it.
    Note: For the ADFS authentication, this section is disabled.