FAQs - Settings

  • Monitor > Dashboard
    • Why can't I drill down from a graph on the Dashboard home page?

      To access further details for a graph, select the check box Enable Drill Down in the Edit Parameters page.( Monitor > Dashboard > Manage Panels).

    • Why do the number of violations or exceptions displayed on the Dashboard not match with that in the Violations Browser or Exceptions Browser?

      The set of filters that can be applied on the Dashboard page are different from those on the Violations Or Exceptions Browser page.

      For example, you may have filtered only the user violations on the Violation Browser page but both the user and role violations on the Dashboard page. In such a case, the count of violations displayed on the Dashboard page will differ from the count on the Violation Browser page.

  • Monitor > Violations/Exceptions
    • Why can't I assign a violation or an exception to a specific user?

      Ensure that the person to whom you are assigning a violation or an exception is an owner of either the rule book, rules or parameter lists that have participated in the analysis.

    • To which users can I assign violations or exceptions for discussion?

      Violations or exceptions can be assigned to any Infor Risk & Compliance user with a valid e mail address.

    • Why can't I mitigate an exception in spite of being the owner of the rule that has participated in the analysis?

      To mitigate exceptions you need to be a reviewer for that exception.

    • When I drill into a specific rule book in the Exceptions Browser, I am unable to view exceptions for the other rules. Why?

      When you drill into a specific rule book, filters are applied to scope rules specific to the rule book selected. To view exceptions for all rules, either click the Reset Filters button or select the desired rule book in the Rule Books field to view exceptions for rules belonging to that rule book.

  • Design > Rule Books
    • Why can't I see the New icon to create new rules/rule books/keywords?

      The New button will be visible only if you are assigned the Administrator or Business Process Owner roles.

  • Settings > Security
    • How do I find out which permissions are assigned to a standard Infor Risk & Compliance  role?

      To view the permissions assigned to a role, go to Securities > Role Management tab and click the role name link. The Customize Privileges tab displays the privileges assigned to this role.

      Standard Infor Risk & Compliance roles cannot be modified. All fields will be displayed as read-only when you drill down into the role.
  • Settings > Connections
    • Why don't some users appear in the Browse window when adding Connection Owners?

      Users must be assigned the Connection Owner role through User Management (Configuration ->User Management-> Edit User Details) before they can appear in the Browse list.

      Users who are already owners for that connection will not appear in the Browse list. As Administrators own all connections, they will not appear in the list.