Close exceptions

To close or remediate an exception:

  1. Select the required exception. You may select more than one exception for this action.
  2. Click the Close Exceptions icon. A dialog box is displayed.
  3. From the Change Reasons Status to drop-down list, select one of the following reasons for closing the exception:
    • Closed-Fixed: Select this option to fix and to signify that an action was taken to remediate the exception and document the details in the Comments field.
    • Closed-Ignore: Select this option to highlight that this exception will be allowed and then document the details for why it is acceptable in the Comments field.
  4. Select Colleagues to notify about the exception status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM colleagues or click the Browse icon to select specific colleagues. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select colleagues. All the selected colleagues will be notified about the exception status on their Ming.leTM Feed page.
  5. Select Groups to notify about the exception status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM groups or click the Browse icon to select specific groups. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select groups. All the selected groups will be notified about the exception status on their Ming.leTM Feed page.
  6. Select the check box Overwrite reason status to update every reason with the same status and comment.
  7. Select the check box Attach Evidence to attach a supporting document or an url as an evidence to close the exception.
  8. In the Comments field, provide the reason for mitigating the exception. This is an important step for capturing the full details of the remediation efforts. Provide the required information about the action you have taken.
    Note: The close exceptions action cannot be taken on exceptions already closed or exceptions that are already assigned to other reviewers.

    The date and time displayed in this dialog box  is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page.