Search and Replace

Infor Risk & Compliance rules contain one or more conditions to identify risks in a business process. As rule conditions may need to be modified from time to time, the Search and Replace functionality works as a maintenance tool that enables you to scan a set of rules and update specific rule conditions easily and efficiently across entire rule set.

Briefly, the Search and Replace functionality works as follows:

  • The Search and Replace functionality supports Authorizations Insight for SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Lawson and Infor .
  • Search and Replace functionality does not support the special characters, ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\ > [{]};:'"<>?,./. These characters can be used to create job code conflict rules.

The Audit report displays details of all the actions performed using the Search and Replace functionality. The Old Value column in the report displays the search criteria, whereas the New Value column displays the replaced value.