Creating connection for ODBC
Create a connection to connect to an ODBC data source to extract data dictionary details of the target application:
- Provide the name of the target application connection, for example Tandem Non-Stop SQL.
- Provide a description for this connection.
- In the Provider field, provide the name of the ODBC or SQL provider. For example, Provider=SQLNCLI (SQL Native Client).
- In the DSN field, provide the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) created for connecting to the database.
- Enter the name of the database user.
- Enter the password of the database user.
- In the Server field, provide the name of the server on which the database is located.
- In the Connection String, provide an ODBC connection string in the following format Provider=SQLNCLI (SQL Native Client); Server=[Application server name]; Database=[Application Server Database]; Uid=[User connecting to the application server database; Pwd=[Database server password].
- Select whether data from this connection should be secured.
- Select whether users extracted from this connection should be mapped.
- Click Connections page. Once a connection is created, you can schedule an extraction for it. . The new connection will be visible on the