The Publishing tab displays data only when publishing plug-in is installed. This tab provides the capabilities to integrate Infor Risk & Compliance with compliance documentation systems. Infor Risk & Compliance publishes data to these systems by leveraging the Infor Risk & Compliance Publishing Framework.
The Publishing tab displays information about the documentation systems and third party applications that are registered with Infor Risk & Compliance for publishing Infor Risk & Compliance data.
Infor Risk & Compliance Publishing Framework provides Web Services for a target system to:
- Discover data types that can be published into or from Infor Risk & Compliance. For example, rules, reports and so on.
- Get specific data from Infor Risk & Compliance.
- Publish data into Infor Risk & Compliance.
- Dynamically add new Infor Risk & Compliance objects on demand
- Dynamically change the mapping between Infor Risk & Compliance objects and those of the publishing target, whenever the publishing target undergoes any change.
The publishing service component exposes an interface for building add-ins for the following:
- Integration with internal controls management applications such as, SAP MIC and Oracle ICM for COSO framework based internal control documentation management.
- Integration with data warehousing systems such as BW, SQL Analytics for Publish Violations into an OLAP cube for advanced reporting.
- Publish reports to intranet portals for example, Sharepoint, for dashboards.