Parameter Library

The parameter library is a central repository for all parameters and contains all the parameters created. A parameter must first be created in the library before it can be added to a parameter list. Parameters in the parameter library contain no values. Values can be added only when the parameters are part of a parameter list.

The Parameter Library tab displays a list of all available parameters along with their description and the technical names and enables you to take these actions:

  • Search for a parameter
  • Create a new parameter
  • View details of an existing parameter

    To view details of a parameter, click the parameter name link. The details page for that parameter is displayed as a read-only page.

  • Delete parameters

    To delete a parameter, select the check box next to the parameter and click the Delete icon.

    Note: Removing a parameter from the parameter library automatically removes it from all parameter lists. However, if the parameter list containing this parameter has already been attached to a rule, the parameter will not be deleted. The rule with this parameter will be skipped during analysis.