Secure a connection

As data from a connection is confidential and should not be accessed by unauthorized users, Infor Risk & Compliance gives you the option to secure your connections so that access is restricted to selected users.

The Connections page displays all existing online and offline connections categorized by ERP, and also indicates whether connections are secured or not secured.

You can secure a connection by assigning specific connection owners or connection users. Data from the connection is accessible only to these users. While the Administrators can access all connections as well as create and modify connections, connection owners can only view and modify connections that they own. They are authorized to create connections and may assign other connection owners to them.

Securing your connection ensures that data extracted through this connection is not available to unauthorized users. Connections may be secured at the time of creating them or at a later date. If securing connections at a later date, double-click the connection link and secure the connection as described below. Clear the check box Validate and Update Connection Parameters and then click Save.

Every connection page contains the following options:

  • Not Secured Connection: Select this option if data from this connection may be accessed by all Infor Risk & Compliance users. When this option is selected, the Select Connection Owners and Select Connection Users fields are not displayed.
  • Secured Connection: Select this option to secure the connection and restrict access to data from this connection. When you select this option, the Select Connection Owners and Select Connection Users fields are displayed on the user interface. These fields allow you to assign owners and users for the connection. By default, the signed-in user is the connection owner.
  1. To select a connection owner, provide part of the user's name in the autosuggest text box or click the Browse icon. A pop-up window displays all the application users. Select a connection owner and click OK. Multiple connection owners may be selected.
  2. To select a connection user, provide part of the user's name in the autosuggest text box or click  the Browse icon. A pop-up window lists all application users except connection owners for this connection. Select the required users and click OK. Connection users cannot delete or modify the connection. Also cannot add other connection users, but can use the assigned connection for operations such as performing an analysis. You also have the option to add multiple connection users by uploading a .csv file containing the list of connection users. To do this, browse for the .csv file and then click Import.

How connection security impact functionality