Build the rule condition
This rule condition requires the sensitive transactions listed in the tables below.
Objects for Group 1 :
Transactions |
ME31 Create Outline Agreement |
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement |
ME32 Change Outline Agreement |
ME32K Change Contract |
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement |
ME34 Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement |
ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement |
ME34L Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement |
ME35 Release Outline Agreement |
ME35K Release Contract |
ME35L Release Scheduling Agreement |
ME37 Create Transport Scheduling Agmt. |
ME38 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule |
MEMASSCONTRACT Mass Changing of Contracts |
MEMASSSA Mass Changing of Sched. Agreements |
Objects for Group 2:
Transactions |
ME21 Create Purchase Ord er |
ME21N Create Purchase Order |
ME22 Change Purchase Order |
ME22N Change Purchase Order |
ME24 Maintain Purchase Order Supplement |
ME25 Create PO with Source Determination |
ME27 Create Stock Transport Order |
ME28 Release Purchase Order |
ME29N Release purchase order |
ME59 Automatic Generation of POs |
ME59N Automatic generation of POs |
MEMASSPO Mass Change of Purchase Orders |
MEPO Purchase Order |
Build the rule condition as follows: