Assigning new Pages
To assign a page to a permission list you need to browse for the required menu, component and then drill down to the page.
- Browse for new menu: Type in a part of the menu name in the autosuggest text box. All menus matching the search criteria will be displayed. Select the required menu. The menu appears on the New Menus to be assigned panel. Alternatively, browse and select the desired menu and click . The menu appears on the New Menus to be assigned panel.
- Browse for a component and
assigned pages:
- Click the Add Component field is displayed. icon next to the menu name. The
- Click the Browse Component window displays a list of components that can be assigned to the menu. Select the required component and click . Click the icon next to a component name to view the pages for that component. icon. The
- Apply authorized action to
the assigned pages:
- Click the icon next to a component name. The Apply Authorized Action to Pages field is displayed.
- Click the Browse Authorized Actions window displays a list of authorized actions that can be applied to all pages assigned to the selected component. Select the required action and click . icon. The
- Select the Authorized check box to enable the page to take part in analysis. Select the Display Only check box for the authorized action to be read-only.
Note: For a request to be performed successfully, one of the following is
- The permission list selected should have at least one page assigned to it.
- At least one authorized action for the assigned page should be modified.
- The attributes for the authorized action for the assigned page should be changed.