Assign Permissions
Create a custom role as follows:
- Provide a unique name to identify this role..
- Provide a description for the role. The description has 255 character limit.
The field
Copy Privileges as enables
you to select an already existing Infor Risk & Compliance role and use it as the
base for your custom role. This is useful if you want to retain most of the
permissions contained in the already existing role and just make a few
modifications. To copy a role, type in a few letters of the role name or browse
for the role. All standard Infor Risk & Compliance roles will be listed as well
as any existing custom roles.
Note: The role privileges that are copied depend on ownership based security. For example, if the Business Process Owner role is copied and assigned to a user, that user will not have ownership to the rule books owned by the Business Process Owner whose role is copied.
- Click Next Step or click the Customize Privileges tab. This tab enables you to assign those privileges or permissions that you want to assign to the role. The tab displays a tree view of all Infor Risk & Compliance menu items grouped under 5 major categories, as they appear on the User Interface. Roles may be assigned access to all pages within a menu and actions for that page, or you can assign a few specific pages and actions. For example, you may want to assign only view permissions for the Baseline page, but not permissions to add or delete a baseline or take a baseline snapshot.
- If all sub-categories are selected, the check box next to the main menu will appear selected. If however, only a few sub-categories are selected, the check box next to the main menu is not selected.
- Select or clear the pages and actions required to customize the role to suit your requirements.
- Click Save. The newly created custom role will be displayed on the Role Management tab on the Custom Roles panel.