Configuration Settings
- Configuring data chunk size
If an SAP extraction using DEE fails due to insufficient memory, the size of the data is reduced to a percentage and extraction can be re-performed. The data chunk reduction size is specified in percentage and is configurable. This can be done using the AutoChunkSetting.xml file.
This setting is applicable for the following SAP Insights:
- Authorizations Insight for SAP
- Configuration Insight for SAP
- User Activity Insight for SAP
- Configuration Insight for SAP IMG
For details, refer to the Auto Chunking section of the Configuration Setting Guides of the respective Insight.
- Configuring error messages
For online extractions of Authorizations Insight for SAP and Process Insight for SAP, error messages sent by DEE are displayed on the Tasks page. The SAPDEEErrorCodes.xml contains the error codes and error messages. The error messages can be configured in the XML.
For details, see the SAP - Configuration Setting Guide.
- Extract correct currency
values - To ensure that the correct currency values are extracted from Process
Insight for SAP into Infor Risk & Compliance, the currency value needs to
be multiplied with a specific multiplication factor depending on the currency.
Infor Risk & Compliance ships with the Currency.xml file containing a list
of currencies and the multiplication factor for each currency. This file may be
modified if required to:
- Modify the default multiplication factor depending on the currency to be extracted
- Add a currency that may not be mentioned in the file.
Any modifications to the XML file should be made before extracting the currency values from SAP. For details, see the SAP - Configuration Setting Guide.