Approve or Deny

Click the Approve or Deny icon  in the Actions column to either approve or deny the request respectively. A pop-up window is displayed where you can add in your comments for approving or denying the request. Comments by the requestor and other approvers are also displayed in the pop-up window.

Note: Actions on a request can also be taken from the Actions panel on the Request Details page. You cannot take action on requests that are partially complete due to time out issues. You need to increase the violation cap limit through the Configuration page (What-if and Request settings) and re-create the request so that it is completed and you can take action.

After you take action on a request, the request moves to the Inbox and the Requests page of the next stage approver and to the History tab of the signed-in user.

Note: Quick Approve  and Quick Deny icons will not be enabled only in the following scenarios:
  • The request has generated violations. Violations are indicated with an icon .
  • The request completion option is set to manual and the request is in the manual completion stage.
  • Additional information about the request is required by any one of the approvers of the request.

Creators of Emergency Access Role Assignment requests and administrators can view the Quick Process icon  that enables them to manually revoke the emergency role assignment before the role assignment validity period lapses. The details of this manual revocation is displayed on the Comments tab (More Details panel) of the Request Details page.