Adding authorizations
This panel displays a list of authorizations for the selected role. The panel enables you to add new authorizations to the role or to delete existing authorizations, if required.
To add new authorizations, type in a part of the authorizations name in the autosuggest text box. All authorizations names matching your search criteria are displayed. Select the desired authorizations names.
Alternatively, browse and select authorizations and click OK. The selected authorizations names appear in the Authorizations field and are marked with an icon.
Note: Click the icon next to the authorization to view its attributes.
You can add or modify attribute value for every authorization. Click the icon
next to an attribute to see a text box. Enter a value and click the
Add icon.
To delete authorizations, select the check box next to the authorization to be deleted and click the Delete icon.
Note: If all authorizations assigned to a role are deleted and no new
ones are assigned, the What-if analysis will be completed successfully but will
not generate violations.