
Exclude by responsibility as follows:

  1. To select responsibility to be excluded, type in part of the responsibility name in the autosuggest text box. All responsibilities matching the search criteria are displayed. Alternatively, browse and select the required responsibilities and click OK. The selected responsibility appears in the Select Responsibilities field. It is also possible to upload a CSV file containing a list of the responsibilities to be excluded. To do this, browse for the file to be uploaded and then click Import. All the responsibilities imported from the CSV file are displayed in separate rows in the list of objects to be excluded. .
  2. Select the date on which this exclusion should expire or leave as Never Expires. To modify the expiry date, click Never Expires and select a date from the calendar and click the Add icon.  The expiry date can be modified anytime before the object is excluded.
  3. To apply the same expiry date to all objects in the grid, select the check box Apply to all.
    Note: If you apply filters to further scope down the objects in the grid and select the check box Apply to all, the selected expiry date will be applied to all the objects that were displayed in the grid before the filters were applied.
  4. If the responsibility is already excluded from the rule books selected, select Append to existing exclusions so that the newly excluded responsibility is appended to the list of previously excluded objects. Select Overwrite existing exclusions to overwrite previous exclusions with the newly excluded responsibility.
  5. Click Exclude.