
The Keywords feature enable you to create specific keywords that can be associated with rules and parameter lists and to use these keywords while scheduling an analysis. Tagging rules or parameter lists helps you group rules and parameters lists into the categories that you require.

Briefly, keywords can be used to:

  • Select specific rules or parameter lists during analysis. For example, you might create the keyword 'purchase orders' and assign the rules and parameter lists related to purchase orders to this keyword or create a keyword 'SOX' and tag all your SOX related rules with this keyword.
  • Filter violations in the violation browser  and exceptions in the exceptions browser.
  • Filter scheduled reports.

Page Access

To take action on the Keywords page, users must be assigned any of the following roles or custom roles containing the required permissions:

Role Actions
Administrator, Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS) Create, save, delete, modify, import or export keywords, assign rules
Auditor, General User View the page

Actions from This Page

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