GDPR Object Anonymization

GDPR Object Anonymization task enables the DPO user to anonymize users based on the request received.
Note: It is recommended that the IRC Administrator, specified during the IRC services activation, must not be anonymized.
Note: These data can not be anonymized:
  • Data stored outside the IRC application. Restore data before you schedule the anonymization task.
  • Archived Authorizations Insight analyses data. Restore the analyses data before you schedule the anonymization task.

The anonymization task replaces these information for a user:

  • Date: Current date
  • Email id: anonymous@
  • Other:0 (zero)
Note: Anonimizing object is based on the Insight selected:
  • Authorizations Insight: Data from all the fields can be anonymized.
  • Process Insight:
    • Master table data marked as personal.
    • Transaction data marked as personal.
  • Configuration Insight: Data marked as personal.
  • Custom Insight: All data marked as personal.

To anonymize object:

  1. Click New on the Personal Data Protection page.
  2. Specify a task name to identify the task.
  3. Select GDPR Object Anonymization from the Task type drop-down list.
  4. Specify the Object ID whose data must be anonymised.
  5. Select one of these options to schedule the object anonymization task:
    • Run Now: Select this option to run the task immediately.
    • Run Later: Select this option to schedule a date and time for the task.
      1. Specify the start date to schedule the object anonymization task. Enter a date manually or click the Calendar icon to select a date from the calendar.
      2. Specify the start time. Enter time manually or click the Clock icon to specify time. The object anonymization task will start at the specified time.

        If you enter an invalid date or time, the system displays a warning message.

        The date and time selected on this page is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page

  6. Click Save to anonymize all the references of the selected user across the IRC application. Email notifications are sent to the system Administrators after the task is complete.

    The priority of the Object Anonymization task is Critical and the task cannot run with any other task in concurrence .

    Note: Object Anonymization tasks can not be stopped.