Create a new Parameter List
Parameter lists can be created by users assigned the Administrator or Business Process Owner roles.
To create a parameter list:
- General Information: Use
this panel to provide general information about this parameter list.
- Provide a unique name and a description.
- Select the check box Exclude Parameter List from request analysis to exclude this parameter list from the subsequent request analyses.
- More Details: Each tab on
this panel enables you to provide additional information about this parameter
list. After adding all the required details, click
- Owners: On the
Owners tab, add the
names of users who must be owners for this parameter list. The Administrator
and the creator of the parameter list are its default owners. Owners have the
authority to modify or delete the parameter lists they own as long as the roles
they are assigned contain the required permissions. To select an owner:
- In the Add Owners autosuggest text box, provide the names of the required users or click the icon to view a list existing users.
- Select the required users.
- Click .
- Users: On the Users
tab, add the names of the users for this Parameter List. Users cannot modify or
delete the parameter lists but can view all values contained in the Parameter
List. To add users:
- In the Add Users autosuggest text box, specify the names of the required users or click the icon to view a list of the existing users.
- Select the required users.
- Click .
- Supporting Documentation: On the Supporting Documentation tab, enter a file name or path or a URL that will provide additional information about the parameter list and click the icon.
- History: This tab provides details of the parameter list such as the name of the creator of the parameter list, the created date and the modified date, if any. The dates displayed on this tab are according to the local time zone defined on the Preferences page.
- Keywords: Click the Keywords tab to associate existing keywords to the new parameter list. Keywords are tags that enable you to select specific parameter lists during analysis. Select the All check box to associate all existing keywords or click the icon to browse and select particular keywords to associate with the new parameter list.
. The new parameter
list will be displayed on the parameter list page after which you can add
parameters to it.
- Owners: On the
Owners tab, add the
names of users who must be owners for this parameter list. The Administrator
and the creator of the parameter list are its default owners. Owners have the
authority to modify or delete the parameter lists they own as long as the roles
they are assigned contain the required permissions. To select an owner:
- Click .