
This page also enables you to perform the following actions on Requests:

  • Delete a request : The Delete icon is displayed only if the request is in the requestor stage and not moved to the first approval stage.

    Click the Delete icon to delete the selected request. All references to this request are deleted from the system.

  • Edit a request : The Edit icon is displayed on the user interface only if
    • You are the creator of the request or an administrator.
    • The request is in the requestor stage and not yet moved to the approval stages

    Approvers of the request cannot view the Edit tab.

    Edit a request as follows:

    1. Click the Edit icon. The page for this request is displayed.
    2. Make the required changes and click Send. The request is resubmitted for analysis and a confirmation message is displayed.
    3. Click Yes to continue. The request appears on the Requests home page.
  • Send a request : The Send icon is displayed on the user interface only if the request has not generated any violations. Click the Send icon to send the request for approval.
  • Mitigate violations : The Mitigate icon is displayed on the user interface in the following scenarios:
    • You are the creator of the request and the request is in the requestor stage.
    • You are the approver of the mitigation stage of the request.

    A violation can be mitigated by attaching compensating controls to the violated rule. This ensures that the violating object is excluded from all analyses using that rule. Adding Compensating Control during mitigation is mandatory.  You can now configure Infor Risk & Compliance to enable Request Approvers to add comments in addition to adding compensating controls. To enable or disable this feature, select the option Allow comments during Request mitigation .(Configuration->Infor Risk & Compliance system->What-if and Request Settings ->Platform Options). This feature is disabled, by default. Comments will be added to the violation only when Mitigate button is clicked by the approver.

    You may mitigate violations by attaching compensating controls as follows:

    1. Select the violating object on the left panel. The right panel displays all the rules violated by this object. The Compensating Controls field below the rule name lists all the controls already attached to the rule.
    2. Additional compensating controls can be attached. You have the following options to do so:
      • Use compensating controls already available in Infor Risk & Compliance: Select any of the compensating controls already available in Infor Risk & Compliance as follows:
        1. Click Add below the rule name.
        2. From the Create Compensating Control window displayed, select the check box next to the required controls.
        3. Click OK.
      • Create new compensating controls: Create a new compensating control to be attached to the violated rule as follows:
        1. Click Add below the rule name.
        2. In the Create Compensating Control window displayed, expand the Create New Compensating Control panel.
        3. Specify the required details on the General Information and Supporting Documentation tabs.
        4. Click Save. The newly created control is added to the list of compensating controls displayed below.
        5. Select the check box next to this control and click OK.
    3. Click the Mitigate icon. Violations mitigated by attaching compensating controls are marked with an icon.
    4. Click Send. The request moves to the Inbox and the Requests home page of the next stage approver and to the History tab of the signed-in user.
  • Remove violating objects : Removing violating objects from this page means removing the objects for which changes are requested. If any of the violating objects are removed, Infor Risk & Compliance analyzes the request again for  new violations. Remove a violating object as follows:

    1. On the left panel, select the required violating object.
    2. Click the Remove icon. A message is displayed on this panel stating that the request is resubmitted for analysis.