Reviewers for a violation have the option of discussing the violation with other Infor Risk & Compliance users. To discuss a violation:
- Select the violation to discuss. You may select one or more violations to discuss in a single action.
- Click the Discuss icon. The Discuss dialog box is displayed.
- In the Discuss with field, either type in the name of the Infor Risk & Compliance user with whom you wish to hold the discussion or select a user from the drop-down list.
- Select Colleagues to notify about the violation status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM colleagues or click the Browse icon to select specific colleagues. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select colleagues. All the selected colleagues will be notified about the violation status on their Ming.leTM Feed page.
- Select Groups to notify about the violation status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM groups or click the Browse icon to select specific groups. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select groups. All the selected groups will be notified about the violation status on their Ming.leTM Feed page.
- The Status field displays the violation status. This field is not editable. To mark the assignment as urgent, select the check box Mark this Violation as Urgent. Emails sent to the users to whom the violation is assigned to will also be marked as urgent.
- Provide a reason for discussion as comments. This field is mandatory.
The status of the violation is changed and a long running
Post Discuss Violations task is created on the
Users with whom the discussion has been initiated are notified by email. Users can reply either via email or put in their comments if they have access to that particular violation. Email notifications are sent to the Business Process Owners when users reply to the discussion.Note: Users can initiate discussions only on the violations owned by them.