Already assigned roles

This panel displays all the roles currently assigned to the selected user. If a mapped connection is selected for this analysis, this panel displays the Roles from Other Connections tab. This tab lists the roles that are currently assigned to this user in connections other than the selected connection.

This panel enables you to revoke any of the currently assigned roles from the selected connection. Roles assigned to this user in other connections cannot be revoked.

Revoke Existing Roles

To revoke a role, select the check-box next to the role to be revoked and click Revoke. The role is revoked in the ERP system after the request undergoes an approval process.

Note: If all roles assigned to a user are revoked and no new ones are assigned, the What-if analysis completes successfully but does not generate violations.
Note:  Indirect assignments, that is, single roles belonging to a composite role cannot be revoked. Only direct assignments can be revoked or the validity period changed. Composite roles are listed on the User Interface marked with an icon.