Clean up Process Insight transactions data

You can perform the following tasks under data clean up:

  • Cleaning up Process Insight Transactions Data

    To clean up extracted transactions data:

    1. Provide a unique name for the cleanup task. This name can help you track the task on the Schedules page.
    2. Provide a description for the task.
    3. Select a connection. Data extracted from this connection is available for cleanup. Provide a part of the connection name in the autosuggest text box. All existing connections matching the search criteria are displayed. Select the required connection. Alternatively, click Browse to browse for and select the required connection. The selected connection appears in the Connections field.
    4. In the Insight field, select the required Insight.
    5. Provide a date range to scope down the data you want to delete. All transactions carried out during this period will be considered for the cleanup. Enter a date in the text box or click the Calendar icon to select a date from the calendar.
    6. Click Estimate to display details of the data to be deleted such as the record count, the record percent, size count in KB, and size percent.
      Note: The date and time displayed in the Details of Extracted Data Tables panel is according to the ERP time zone  from which the data is extracted.
    7. On the Schedule panel, select an option depending on whether you want to delete the data immediately or want to schedule clean up for a later date and time. To schedule data cleanup, enter the time in the text box or click the Clock icon to select the time and Calendar icon to select the date for the cleanup.
    8. Click Data Cleanup to cleanup the data. The data cleanup task can be tracked on the Tasks page.
      Note: Before you click Data Cleanup, ensure that you have clicked the Estimate button.
    9. A scheduled data cleanup task appears on the Schedules page.
    Note: The Data Cleanup functionality does not delete the Process Insight Master data.
  • Editing a Data Cleanup Schedule

    After a task is created it is available for editing on the Schedules page. You can edit the details as follows:

    1. Click the required cleanup task on the Schedules page. The Extracted Data Cleanup page with the details of the cleanup schedule is displayed.
    2. Edit the details.
    3. Click Save and Close.