View Individual Violations

Click the rule name link to drill down to the second level pop-up window to display the objects that have generated violations for that rule. Other supporting information displayed on this view includes:

  • Object ID

    The first column displays the primary violating object in the rule. The name of this column varies depending on the object being reviewed. For example assume that the violating object is a User, then the column name will read User ID. Click on an object link to view the object details.

  • Description/Full Name

    This column provides description or the full name of the violating object depending on the primary violating object.

  • Connection

    This column displays all connection names selected in the Filter panel on the Violations page.

  • Mitigation status

    This column displays the current status of violations. The status may be any of the following:

    • Open: These violations are not yet assigned to anyone for review. Violations are put into this category when they are first found and an action must be taken to move them from this category to another.
    • Under Review: Such violations are assigned to a particular person for review.
    • In Discussion: Such violations are assigned to a particular person and are awaiting response from someone else.
    • In Discussion, Urgent: Same as above, but tagged with an Urgent flag for filtering purposes.
    • Closed: These violations have been documented and closed. These violations will no longer appear in the default view of your Violations Browser, but can be viewed by selecting 'All' or 'Closed' in the Mitigation Status filter.

      This status also displays violations related to deleted rule books and can be viewed by users with Administrator role.

    Note: If the platform is upgraded from an earlier version, the system displays the violations mitigated in earlier versions indicated by an icon. Click the icon to display a pop-up window. The History panel displays a message appended by 'Auto Closed':
  • Reviewer

    This column displays the name of the reviewer to whom the violation is assigned. Reviewers can mitigate violations, add comments, assign violations or initiate a discussion with other reviewers. If the reviewer has initiated discussion on a violation with someone, that will also be displayed in this column.

  • Comments

    The comments column is indicated with an icon if reviewers have added comments while mitigating violations.  Click the icon to view the history of comments. The date and time displayed in the comments box is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page.

The rule name is displayed as a hyperlink at the top of the pop-up window. Click the link to view the rule details in a read only mode. If you are assigned the Rule book Owner or the Business Process Owner role for this particular rule, you can edit the rule details through the menu Design->Rule Book.

Note that the rule displayed here is a snapshot of the rule taken at the time of rule analysis. The snapshot taken will depend on the analysis selected in the filters used to scope rule violations. By default, all analyses are selected, in which case the snapshot will be of the latest analysis. Any keywords, compensating controls or exceptions attached to the rule after the snapshot was taken will not be visible. Modifications will be visible only after the rule is re-analyzed.