Global Search

Global search  is a functionality that enables signed-in users to search for data from Infor Risk & Compliance Platform or Infor Risk & Compliance Insights.

When a user provides a search string, Infor Risk & Compliance conducts a full text search of the database and displays all objects in which the search string is present. Once the objects have been located, users have the ability to drill down into details. For example, if you want to view all objects containing 'vendor', you would type 'vendor' in the global search text box. All objects containing 'vendor' would then be displayed on the page.

The global search text box does not support searching the following, although they can be typed in the text box.

  • SQL stop words such as all, for ....
  • Certain special characters
Note: Global search fetches all objects containing the search string. Users may therefore see a difference in the number of objects displayed through global search and those displayed through reports, which use filters to display object counts. For example, the Infor Risk & Compliance Oracle Responsibility report, by default, displays only active responsibilities while the global search will display all active as well as inactive responsibilities.

Global search can be accessed from any page in Infor Risk & Compliance. Bread crumbs at the top left of the search results page indicate the page last visited before the search.

Note: Global search navigation is not displayed in the Recent list.

Page Access

To take action on this page, users must be assigned the following roles or custom roles containing the required permissions:

Role Actions
Administrator, Auditor, Business Process Owner, Emergency Access User, System Manager View the page