
The Upload page enables you to upload data extracted from an offline connection to the Infor Risk & Compliance application server. This page also enables you to schedule an analysis of the uploaded data.

Data from the ERP system may be extracted offline in one of the following ways:

  • For Lawson and SAP applications, data is extracted using the Portable Data Extractor. For details of data extraction, refer to the online help provided with the Portable Data Extractor.
  • For Oracle and PeopleSoft applications, extraction is script based. For details, refer to the Configuration Settings Guide respectively.

Data Upload

From the Upload Type drop-down list, select the type of data to be uploaded. The fields available on this page vary depending on the data type selected.

Note: The file size that can be uploaded is set to 51200 bytes(0.5 MB), by default. However, you can increase this limit to 1,500,000,000 bytes(1.5GB). Files bigger than 1.5 GB will not be uploaded and the system will display 'Page not found' error. To increase the file size limit, change the file size value in Web.config file ([Install Path]\BizRightsPresentation\Web.config). For details, refer to the Infor Risk & Compliance Platform - Configuration Settings Guide.

The following options are available on the Upload Type drop-down list: