PeopleSoft FI - Permission List Assignment Management

The What-if analysis for PeopleSoft FI Permission List Assignment Management helps you determine the impact of assigning a page via the menu and component hierarchy to a permission list and modifying the authorized action and display only attributes for the page, before implementing these changes in your PeopleSoft FI application.

To create a What-if analysis for PeopleSoft FI Permission List Assignment Management:

  1. Provide details on the following panels:
  2. Click Analyze. The analyzed What-if analysis will be displayed on the What-ifs home page. Click the What-if link to drill down to details of violations generated and take further action.

If Access Manager for PeopleSoft FISCM is installed on your server, you will be able to generate a Permission List Assignment Management type of request from this type of What-if analysis as follows:

  • If the What-if analysis does not generate violations, you can create a request from the What-ifs home page or from the Violation Details page.
  • If the What-If analysis generates violations, you can create a request only from the Violation Details page.