Configure email notifications
The Notifications panel displays the list of notifications scheduled by the signed-in user, the event for which the notification is sent and when it will be sent out. The Notifications panel enables you to create event notifications to keep yourself informed about the status of your tasks or to be informed of a request pending your approval.
Note: You can create event notifications from the
Add Notification tab only if the
check box
Allow event notification
subscriptions from the
Preferences page is selected on the
Notification Templates panel of the
Configuration page .If this check box is not
selected, the
Add Notification tab is
Subscribe to email notifications for events as follows:
- Create a schedule for the notification by clicking the , or buttons.
- Click to create the notification for the required event.
You can use this panel to:
- Schedule notification delivery
- Subscribe to email notifications
- Add or modify delivery schedules
- Modify notification subscriptions
- Delete existing notification subscription
- Download list of notifications
Note: All time fields displayed in generated notifications are according
to the Infor Risk & Compliance application server time zone.