System Configuration Insight specific objects

An object corresponds to one or more ERP entities (for example a database table). A schema is an XML representation of an object. The general structure of a business process schema in IRC can be described as 'object attribute' where objects represent business objects. Attributes represent fields within the object or other objects related to the object.

Objects are displayed on the IRC user interface while building rule conditions. The data required by these objects comes from the respective schemas.

In addition to the list of objects listed in the section List of Objects common to all Insights , this section lists the tables (objects) of System Configuration Insight for SAP.
Object SAP Table Name
ApplicationComponents DF14L
AssignmentsOfLogonServerGroupsToInstances RZLLITAB
AuthGroupsForTables TDDAT
ClientChangeHistoryTable T000
ClientCopyControlFlow CCCFLOW
ClientCopyProfiles CCPROF
ClientCopyProfileTexts CCPROFT
ClientDummy CCC_CHECK
ClientTransportControlExitPrograms CCCEXIT
Deliveries TCEDELI
DestinationTableForRemoteFunctionCall RFCDES
DevelopmentClassesForCTS TDEVC
DirectoryOfRepositoryObjects TADIR
DistributedActivatedSystemStatus TCECPSTAT
ExtendedTableMaintenanceSelectionVariants TVIMV
FunctionModule TFDIR
IllegalPasswordTable USR40
Messages T100
ObjectHeader OBJH
ObjectList OBJS
ParametersForParallelProcessingOfClientCopy CCPARPARM
GeneratedTableforViewTRDIR TRDIR
SAPTableTexts DD02T
SAPTransactionCodes TSTC
SourceEntriesForProfiles CCPROFSR
StandardMilestoneGroup SMLG
SubObjects OBJSUB
SystemList TCESYST
SystemLogLogEntryTypes TSL3T
SystemLogMessage TSL1D
SystemLogMessageClassNames TSL2T
TechnicalSettingsOfTables DD09L
TMSAlertLoggingTable TMSALOG
TransportLogTable TPLOG
UserMasterRecord USR01
UserMasterRecordsSystemSettings USR02
ViewClusterDirectory VCLDIR
RSPARAMSettings Taken from an XML file
SensitiveBASISTransactions Taken from an XML file
ChangeTransportSystemCreationDateofRequest E070CREATE
ChangeTransportSystemHeaderofRequestsTasks E070
ChangeTransportSystemObjectEntriesofRequestsTasks E071
CTSSourceTargetClientofRequestsTasks E070C
UseofCurrentRequestsbyUsers E070USE
ClientCopyObjectSelectionCrossClientTables CCOBJS
ChangeHistoryForAuthorizations USH04
ChangeHistoryForLogonData USH02
Parameterattributes TPFYPROPTY