This role contains the minimum permissions needed for User Creation, Role Assignment and Emergency Access request write-backs.

Note: For SAP R/3 4.5B, the authorization object S_USER_VAL is not needed in the role, as the authorization object does not exist in that SAP version.

Authorization object - S_RFC

Attribute Attribute value
Activity (ACTVT) 16
Name of RFC to be protected (RFC_NAME) SU_USER
Type of RFC to be protected (RFC_TYPE) FUGR

Authorization object - S_TABU_DIS

Attribute Attribute value
Activity (ACTVT) 03
Authorization Group (DICBERCLS) PC,SC

Authorization object - S_USER_AGR

Attribute Attribute value
Activity (ACTVT) 02, 03, 22
Role Name (ACT_GROUP) *

Authorization object - S_USER_AUT

Attribute Attribute value
Activity (ACTVT) 02, 03, 08, 22
Authorization Name in User Master Maintenance (AUTH) *
Authorization Object in User Master Maintenance (OBJECT) *

Authorization object - S_USER_GRP

Attribute Attribute value
Activity (ACTVT) 01, 02, 03, 05, 22
User Group in User Master Maintenance (CLASS) *

Authorization object - S_USER_PRO

Attribute Attribute value
Activity (ACTVT) 03, 08, 22
Auth. Profile in User Master Maintenance (PROFILE) *

Authorization object - S_USER_VAL

Attribute Attribute value
Field Name (AUTH_FIELD) *
Authorization Value (AUTH_VALUE) *
Authorization Object in User Master Maintenance (OBJECT) *

Authorization object – PLOG

Attribute Attribute value
nfotype *
Planning Status *
Object Type *
Plan Version *
Function Code DEL, INSE
Subtype *

Authorization object – S_TCODE

Attribute Attribute value
Transaction code(TCD) PFCG, SU01, SM36, SM37

Authorization object - S_USER_SAS

User master Maintenance : System-specific Assignments

Attribute Attribute value

01 , 22

Role Name(ACT_GROUP)


User group In user master maintenance (CLASS)


Auth Profile in user master maintenance(PROFILE)


Receiving system for central user administration(SUBSYSTEM)
