Generate a complete report or truncate a report

Use the respective XML to generate a complete report or truncate a report. As an example, consider the xml file Authorization Details by Roles.xml to generate a complete Authorization Details report or to truncate it.

Truncation is useful when a report contains large number of rows. By default, you can change the truncation limit.


Configure the xml as :

XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Adapters\Tmonitor\ \ProcessModules\SAPAI\Reports\RDL\SAP Security
Tag <parameter>
Node <parameter name="ReportType" required="false" displayName="##ReportType_DN##" spParamName="@ReportType" visible="false" inSeperateRow="false" defaultvalue="1" />
Configuration setting If you want a complete report then modify the defaultvalue to 0.
Default Value By default, the value is set to 1 and the report is truncated.