Routing based on user attributes

By default, a request will not be routed based on information provided during request creation. By configuring the ParticipatingObjectsConfig.xml, requests can be routed based on information entered during request creation. For example, if a user’s user group is changed as a part of a request, the value of useuserinput (in the xml) is set to Yes and if the approval process template for the request uses functional areas for routing the request to an approver, then it is possible to configure whether the approver is selected from the previous user group or the new user group.

XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Core\bin\Support\ParticipatingObjectsConfig.xml
Tag <operations>
Node <useuserinput>Yes</useuserinput>
Configuration setting Set the value to
  • Yes - This will enable you to rout a request based on information provided during request creation.
  • No – A request will not be routed based on information provided during a request creation.
Default The default value is No.