Procure-to-Pay, Order-To-Cash, and General Ledger
This section lists the objects of the Procure-to-Pay (P2P), Order to
Cash (O2C), and General Ledger (GL) business process, their friendly names and
their technical names.
Object friendly name | Transaction/Master data | Module | Objects technical name |
Accounts | Master | GL | PS_GL_ACCOUNT_
Ledger Data | Master | GL | PS_LEDGER |
MICR Information | Master | O2C | PS_CUST_MICR_TBL |
Vendor Bank Accounts | Master | P2P | PS_VNDR_BANK_
Bill Header | Transaction | O2C | PS_BI_HDR |
Bill Lines | Transaction | O2C | PS_BI_LINE |
Customer Header Information | Master | O2C | PS_CUSTOMER |
Customer Credit Information | Master | O2C | PS_CUST_CREDIT |
Customer Address Detail | Master | O2C | PS_CUST_ADDRESS |
Inventory Demand Fulfillment | Transaction | O2C | PS_IN_DEMAND |
Receiver Header | Transaction | P2P | PS_RECV_HDR |
Receipt Shipping Schedule | Transaction | P2P | PS_RECV_LN_SHIP |
AP Voucher Header Table | Transaction | P2P | PS_VOUCHER |
Voucher Line | Transaction | P2P | PS_VOUCHER_LINE |
AP Accounting Entries | Transaction | P2P | PS_VCHR_ACCTG_
Voucher Distribution Table | Transaction | P2P | PS_DISTRIB_LINE |
Journal Header Data | Transaction | GL | PS_JRNL_HEADER |
Journal Line Data | Transaction | GL | PS_JRNL_LN |
Item Master Header Table | Master | P2P, O2C | PS_MASTER_ITEM_
Price/UOM Vendor Loc For Item | Master | P2P, O2C | PS_ITM_VNDR_
Order Header - OM | Transaction | O2C | PS_ORD_HEADER |
Order Line (OM) | Transaction | O2C | PS_ORD_LINE |
AP Disbursements | Transaction | P2P | PS_PAYMENT_TBL |
Operator Definition | Master | GL, O2C, P2P | PSOPRDEFN |
Purchase Order Header | Transaction | P2P | PS_PO_HDR |
Purchase Order Line Item | Transaction | P2P | PS_PO_LINE |
PO Line Accounting Entries | Transaction | P2P | PS_PO_LINE_DISTRIB |
Requisition Header | Transaction | P2P | PS_REQ_HDR |
Requisition Line | Transaction | P2P | PS_REQ_LINE |
Vendor Header Table | Master | P2P | PS_VENDOR |
Vendor Contact Detail | Master | P2P | PS_VENDOR_CNTCT |
Vendor Location | Master | P2P | PS_VENDOR_LOC |
Voucher Scheduled Payment | Transaction | P2P | PS_PYMNT_VCHR