Configure writeback on IRC server

After configuring the settings for writeback on your ERP, you must configure the writeback on your IRCserver.

To do this:

  1. On the IRC server, go to [InstallPath]\Settings
  2. Open the file PSFTFI_ERPWritebackConfig.xml (for PeopleSoft FISCM) or PSFTHR_ERPWritebackConfig.xml (for PeopleSoft HRMS) in a notepad.


  3. Enter the name of a connection (for FI or HR) in the node <conn name=””>.
  4. Replace the URL in the connection node with the URL for WSDL.
  5. Now set the request completion option to automatic and create a request for the connection mentioned in the above XML.
  6. After completing a request, check if the ERP is updated with requested action.