Minimum required privileges for SQL backend database
To extract data from the Authorizations Insight for PeopleSoft HRMS, a user requires Connect and Select privileges on the SQL backend database
To create an approva_hr user who will have these privileges:
- Log into SQL Server Master database with appropriate user name and password.
Run the following query to check whether approva_hr user
already exists in SQL Server backend database:
Select * from dbo.sysusers where name ='approva_hr';
- If the approva_hr user is already present and being used by another application, select a different user name and change this script to reflect that user name.
- If the approva_hr user is not present, run the CreateUser.sql script from the SQL Query Analyzer.
Note: Minimum permission scripts are shipped and can be obtained from the IRC Adapters CD under PeopleSoft\MinimumPermissions folder. -
To modify the default user name, password and database name, make the changes to
the following parameters in the CreateUser.sql script:
set @loginame= N'approva_hr'/*Login Name*/ set @passwd= 'approva'/*Login Password*/ set @defdb= N'HRSDEV’/*Database Name*/
After the CreateUser.sql script is run, execute the following
command to go to the backend database:
USE EP /*Replace EP with actual database name if it is different*/ GO
Execute the GrantDB.sql to grant backend database access.
Change the log in name, if it is different.
sp_grantdbaccess @loginame = N'approva_hr', /*Login Name */ @name_in_db = N'approva_hr' /*Login Name */
Execute TableAccess.sql to grant access to the list of tables.
Change log in name, if it is different.
set @loginame = N'approva_hr'/*Login Name */