Exception writing limit for Process Insights

Configure the ViolationWriterConfig.xml to set an upper limit for the number of exceptions to be written to the DB for a rule. These settings limit the maximum number of exception detail records for each rule before stopping analysis on that rule and moving on to the next one. This xml file has several settings - one for each rule severity.

Based on your requirements, configure the xml setting:

Setting Description
XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Settings\ViolationWriterConfig.xml
Node <RuleSettings>
Tag <maxviolations>
Configuration setting To configure the number of violations, change the default value of the value in the tag <maxviolations> to the required value.
Default Value


Note: If a rule has higher number of exceptions than the maximum number of exceptions mentioned in the, the rule will be partially analyzed. The system will display the exceptions as per the limit set in the ViolationWriterConfig.xml and will mark the rule as partially analyzed.
If the maximum limit increases, the analysis time also increases. And if it is set to a very high value, based on the rule and data combinations, due to high number of exceptions, out of disk space error may occur.