Configuring the file size for data upload
page on the IRC user interface enables you to upload data extracted from an offline connection to the IRC application server.The maximum size of the file that can be uploaded is 51200 bytes (0.5 MB), by default. You can increase this limit up to 1,500,000,000 bytes (1.5 GB).
For this, configure the setting in the Web.config.xml as shown in this figure:
Based on your requirements, configure the xml setting:
Setting | Description |
XML File path | [InstallPath]\BizRightsPresentation\Web.config |
Node | <system.web>
Tag | To increase the permissible file size, change the default
value of the attribute
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="512000" />
to the required value.
Note: The maximum permissible limit is 1,500,000,000 bytes (1.5
Default value | 51200 bytes(0.5 MB). |