Delete temporary files automatically

When transactions are performed, temporary files are created in the system. To free the disc space and enhance system performance, these temporary files must be deleted from the system. The CleanupConfiguration.xml file enables you to specify the folder from which temporary files must be deleted.

This utility is scheduled to run every night at 01.00 am, by default.
Note: The IRC service account must have delete permissions on the folders from which the files are to be deleted.

FolderList in CleanupConfiguration.xml

Based on your requirements, configure the xml setting:

Setting Description
XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Settings\CleanupConfiguration.xml
Tag <FolderList></FolderList>
Configuration setting To ensure that the temporary files are deleted from the specified folder, you must configure the XML file:
  • For the attribute folder path, specify the system path for the folder from which the temporary files must be deleted. For example, to delete files from the TempImages folder, specify the system path as [InstallPath]\BizRightsPresentation\TempImages
  • For the attribute allowed aging, specify the number of days for which temporary files must be retained before the files are deleted. For example, if you specify 2, temporary files older than 2 days are deleted.
  • For the attribute extension list, specify the file extensions of the temporary files to be deleted. For example, specify .png to delete temporary files with the extension .png.

Temporary files are deleted every day based on the settings specified in the XML file.

To add a new folder, add a new node and specify the path of the folder, allowed aging and extension list.

The recommended value for the attribute allowed aging is to 10 days. This can be modified, but must not be less than 2 days.
Default settings

Temp files are deleted from these folders, by default:

  • [InstallPath]\BizRightsPresentation\TempImages
  • [InstallPath]\BizRightsPresentation\Logs\Logex\ViewState
  • [InstallPath]\Adapters\TMonitor\TempDataFiles
  • Files with these extensions cannot be deleted: *.dll,*.xsd, *.bin, *.*, *.config, *.exe, or .xsl.
  • Files with the extension *.xml can be deleted only from Adapters\TMonitor\TempDataFiles
  • Files from these folders cannot be deleted:
    • $BizRightsInStallPath$\Settings
    • $BizRightsInStallPath$\SetupFiles