Specify number of objects to be extracted in parallel

All Insights support parallel extraction wherein multiple objects can be extracted at the same time. IRC can make DEE calls for multiple objects simultaneously. Such extractions complete faster because multiple objects are extracted at the same time.

Use the ObjectList.xml file to specify the maximum number of objects that can be extracted in parallel. Unless this number is specified in this XML file, the objects will run sequentially.

In this example, the minimum number of objects that can be extracted in parallel is listed as 2.
File path InstallPath]\ProcessModules\XMLConfigFiles\<Insight GUID>\ObjectList.xml
Tag <exposedobjects maxparallelobjects="2">


Parameter: exposedobjectsmaxparalleobjects Specify the number of objects to be extracted in parallel.
Default value The default value is 2, which is the minimum number of objects that can be extracted in parallel.
Maximum recommended value Is 4. This is the maximum number of objects that can run in parallel.
Note: The number of objects that can be extracted in parallel will depend on the hardware used.
Note: To disable the parallel object extraction, modify the value in this tag to 1.

<exposedobjects maxparallelobjects="1"></exposedobjects>.