Configuring Process Insight data upload options

After a Process Insight extraction is successfully completed, the extracted objects are automatically uploaded to the IRC database.

However, if some objects do not get extracted, automatic upload is not recommended as this leads to incorrect analysis results.

In such cases, you can define whether the upload task must start automatically, using the configuration setting in the ExtractionSettings.xml file.
Note: This setting is applicable for online extractions only.

settings in ExtractionSettings.xml

Based on your requirements, configure the xml setting:

Setting Description
XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Settings\ExtractionSettings.xml
Node <settings>
Tag <isUploadPIData>true</isUploadPIData>
Configuration setting
  • If you set the value to false, the upload task is not initiated after an incomplete extraction. In such cases, you must resolve the extraction failure issues and re-run the extraction from the Tasks page. After all the objects are successfully extracted, the data is uploaded to the IRC database.
  • If you set the value to true, the upload task is initiated automatically even if all the objects are not extracted.
Default value true