Specify delimiters in user import.txt file

Use the UserAccessPolicy.xml to configure delimiters (separators) for multiple connections, rule books and rules in the .txt (tab delimited) file, while importing users in IRC. For example, in this screen, the delimiter ##*## has been used to separate multiple rule books, and multiple rules:

import.txt file

Based on your requirements, configure the xml setting:

Setting Description
XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Settings\UserAccessPolicy.xml
Tag <UserAccessPolicy>
Node <UserimportDelimiter>##*##</UserimportDelimiter>
Configuration setting Replace the delimiter in the node with a delimiter of your choice.

For example, if you use @;# as a delimiter, the delimiter @;# is used in the user import.txt file to separate multiple connections, rule books and rules.

Default value The default value is ##*##.

UserAcessPolicy in UserAccessPolicy.xml