Update threshold limit for maximum number of recommended analyses

Based on the threshold limit set in the BizRightsSettings table, the system displays a message regarding the maximum number of recommended analyses on the Manage > Analyses page, the Monitor > Violations page, and the Monitor > Exceptions page.

The threshold limit is zero (infinite), by default. This means, by default, there is no limit set for the maximum number of recommended analyses

You can update this threshold limit for the settings listed in the table, based on your requirement, by executing this query in the SQL Server Management Studio.

 Script Starts Here 
  UPDATE BizRightsSettings SET SettingValue = [Replace new threshold value here] 
  WHERE SettingName = '[Replace setting name here for which threshold value is being updated]' 
 Script Ends Here 
Setting Description
Authorizations Insights Analyses - Threshold This threshold is set for the maximum number of recommended Authorizations Insight analyses and is used to display message on the Monitor > Violationspage.
Legacy Process Insights, Configuration Insights and Authorizations Insight Analyses - Threshold This threshold is set for the maximum number of recommended Legacy Process Insights, Configuration Insights and Authorizations Insight Analyses and is used to display message on the Manage > Analysespage.
Process Insights( Studio Generated) Analyses - Threshold This threshold is set for maximum number of recommended Process Insights( Studio Generated) Analyses and is used to display message on the Monitor > Exceptions page.