Option 2
If access to the internet is disabled on the application server, then disable the signature verification for the IRC application as described in the steps below:
- Go to My Computer, C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\.
- Locate the machine.config file and open it in Microsoft Visual Studio or Notepad.
- Under the configuration/runtime tag, add the following
- <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
The modified machine.config file will appear as given below:
- Configure FullTrust for all applications running from within Intranet Zone - Give FullTrust to the 'IntranetZone' under Machine level security configuration. To do this:
- Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative tools > .Net Framework configuration > My Computer > Runtime Security Policy > Machine > Code Groups > LocalIntranet_Zone.
- In the right pane click on Edit Code Group Properties. In the pop-up window click the Permission Set tab and select FullTrust from the Permission Set drop down list.
Save the configurations.
Restart IIS Web Server and all Continuos Monitoring Services. For details, refer to Start and Stop IIS Web Server