Restoring database from Enterprise edition of the SQL server to the Standard edition
While restoring a Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise database to another server having Microsoft SQL Server Standard, the system may display the error Restore failed for Server 'SQLServerName'.
Use these steps to remove the partitioning. The script, that you execute in the steps listed below, recreates all relevant indexes on the Primary partition and then drops the partition.
Note: SQL Server creates partitions and partition functions for storing
Full Text Search related information. If such a partition exists, DBA must
remove the partitions before proceeding to the next step. Also, the Destination
SQL Server must satisfy the requirements mentioned for SQL Database Server.
On the Source setup (Enterprise edition):
- Take backup of IRC database - This can be used in case of any failures as a fallback.
- Execute the Script available at on IRC database. (Script will remove the file group, partition schema, and function).
- Take backup of IRC database.
On Destination setup (Standard edition):
- Use IRC Environment Manager Utility to change the database and server name, to be referred by IRC.
- Restart IRC Services and IIS. Clear the cache. For details on starting or stopping IIS Web Server, refer to Start and Stop IIS Web Server.
- Verify by scheduling PI Analysis or UAI Extraction. SQL Partition will not be created.